What is ME?

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a biological, neurological disease. It can cause every body system to go haywire, making the symptom list of sufferers long. The most common symptoms are overwhelming fatigue, a general  feeling of being sick and pain. 

 The energy that an ME sufferer produces is less than a normal individual. The worse the disease, the less energy is produced.  It is imperative that sufferers do considerably less than they’re capable of to avoid exceeding their energy limit. Overexertion can cause a worsening of symptoms (called post exertional malaise or PEM), a permanent decline in energy levels and although rare, even death. This decline can be caused by mental or physical exertion, stress, overstimulation or illness.  

ME is such a little known and complex disease with numerous factors involved in the life of those that suffer from it. There is currently no universally agreed upon diagnostic criteria, cause, treatments or even name but our suffering is real.This one little page couldn’t begin to cover everything. I encourage you to check out the rest of this site and others to learn more.