Purpose of this Blog and

I want to thank all of those with ME and their loved ones who’ve shared their stories with the world. While it’s devastating to hear about the incredible suffering that has been endured by everyone involved, there’s solace in knowing that you’re not alone.

Besides comfort, I have acquired a deeper understanding of my experiences with ME in your stories. When the world tells you that you’re lazy and crazy, you start to believe them. Seeing yourself in others reassures you that you’re actually suffering from a very real, biological disease.

Seeing how you overcame certain obstacles in living with ME has inspired me in numerous ways. I have used some of your tips and tricks outright, modified them for my needs or used them as inspiration. My life has become easier, richer and more meaningful because of you.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

While I could never begin to repay you, I can pay it forward. This blog is my attempt to do just that. I’m adding my story to the collection with the hope that it is able to comfort one person whose life is effected by this horrific disease.

This blog is also a hope against hope that if the world sees enough of us through our stories, our invisible illness will finally be recognized and known by all.